List your Property

Always Free

Never a Fee
Upgrade anytime


per month


Online Payment Processing Add-On:


Best for accepting payments in person or off platform payment methods


per month


Online Payment Processing Add-On:


Accept online payments and allow guests to book quickly and securely online


Service Fee per booking payed by owner
on Direct Bookings Only

No monthly fees


Más Grande

Accept Online Payments plus manage your Airbnb, VRBO,, Google Vacation Rentals, and Direct Bookings from one Dashboard.


per month

+ 5% Service Fee
Charged to Owner
Direct Bookings Only


Compare All Features

Features Always Free


Pequeño Plan

$9.99 Per Month

Grande Plan

5% Service Fee

Más Grande Plan
$39.99 +
5% Service Fee

Calendar Sync
Custom Short URL
Instant Booking
Guest payment links
Guest payment plans
Direct Booking Security Deposit
Direct Bookings
Owner Portal
Automated guest messages
Pre-Booking Message Center
Channel Manager
Unified inbox
Security Deposits-VRBO &
Cleaning scheduler
Optional Pro-Setup

Links to external sites such as VRBO, Airbnb, Booking com, etc. are not permitted. 

*Stripe Merchant account in owner’s name.

  • Stripe is free to set up, has zero monthly fees, and payouts are generally 2-3 days after payment is received from a guest.
  • You have complete control of your funds from start to finish. No waiting to get paid from a management company since you are collecting payments directly from the guest.
  • Owners are responsible to collect and remit all taxes.

Pro-Setup Service

Our Optional Pro-Setup service is designed for owners that are not comfortable with the technical tasks of setting up their account and property or for those that do not have the free time to complete this type of project. This is not a fast or expedited service and you will need to provide things along the way to ensure a smooth and timely setup. Pro-Setup is available for the Grande & Más Grande plans.

Pro-Setup – Grande Plan

  • We provide the following
    • Setup your property listing on with owner-provided descriptions, photos, amenities, etc.
    • Setup Calendar Sync as needed with other OTA’s.
    • Assist you in connecting your Stripe payment gateway to your property.
    • Create guest payment plans per your requirements.
    • Create guest security deposit rules per your guidelines. (Direct Bookings Only)
    • Setup automated guest messaging & email templates.
    • Our goal is to make sure your property is setup completely and correctly.
    • Time frame: 3-4 Business Days.
    • Price: One-time fee of $99.00

Pro-Setup – Más Grande

  • We provide the following
    • Setup your property listing on with owner-provided descriptions, photos, amenities, etc.
    • Setup API connections as needed with other OTA’s.
    • Assist you in connecting your Stripe payment gateway to your property.
    • Create guest payment plans per your requirements.
    • Create guest security deposit rules per your guidelines. (Direct Bookings, VRBO, &
    • Setup automated guest messaging & email templates.
    • Setup Unified Inbox for Airbnb & accounts.
    • Setup Cleaning Scheduler as needed.
    • Our goal is to make sure your property is setup completely and correctly.
    • Time frame: 1-2 weeks for initial setup on and 3-6 weeks to connect OTA platforms
    • Price: One-time fee of $500.00


Yes! It is highly recommended that you hire a qualified tax professional that can assist you with properly filing your taxes. RockyPointOwnerDirect does not collect taxes on your behalf so you are solely responsible for collecting and remitting the appropriate taxes.
Absolutely. We can sync calendars with most property management systems.
Yes, just message us with what plan you would like to go with and we will take care of it.