Which platform should I advertise my property on?

We see this question quite often and in most cases, the reply is that you should be advertising on all of them. Diversifying and listing on several platforms will not only give your property additional exposure but will also limit your dependency on any one platform. We have all seen the stories of hosts having their accounts shut down by the major platforms and this is exactly why you should diversify your listings. Work towards balancing your reservations between platforms.

Another question we see is “should I have my own website”.  Most owners think that after they launch their new website reservations will start flowing in. This generally is not the case. Historically we have seen that most bookings on this type of site are from return guests. Attracting new guests is difficult due to the fact that you have to drive traffic to your new site.

Also, most potential guests are looking for a selection of properties to choose from.  Having only one or even half a dozen properties on your site can lower the interest and trust factor a potential guest will have in your website. In our opinion having your own direct booking website will provide value but mainly for return guests. Factor the initial investment cost, yearly fees, and maintenance to see if having your own website makes sense for you.